segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011

Coevolução: insectos e morcegos

Sondando o darwinismo (a "ciência" alternativa): «O sonar, pela sua própria natureza, envolve uma construção cerebral específica com capacidade de emitir, receber e decifrar os sons e as respostas dos mesmos sons.» ... «Segundo, o grilo supracitado interage com o sistema sonar do morcego de uma forma específica e bem precisa. O texto diz: "O detector é activado pela mesma frequência que o morcego usa para a sua detecção de insectos". Isto é muito importante porque um detector que seja activado com qualquer outra referência seria inútil para este grilo. Tem que ser uma referência própria para o grilo próprio para um morcego próprio.»
  1. Conceitos: 
    1. Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering State University of Campinas: «Na biologia, co-evolução é associada à influência evolucionária mútua entre duas espécies que apresentam dependências entre si, de forma que uma espécie exerce pressão seletiva sobre a outra. Há defensores de que todo tipo de evolução é, na verdade, alguma forma de co-evolução, não existindo assim evolução isolada. Em computação evolutiva, algoritmos co-evolutivos são implementados visando realizar experimentos de vida artificial, resolver problemas de otimização, aprender estratégias de jogos, dentre outras aplicações.»
    2. Wikipedia: «Em biologia evolutiva, uma corrida armamentista evolutiva ou corrida ao armamento evolutiva é uma luta evolutiva entre conjuntos de genes em coevolução que desenvolvem adaptações e contra-adaptações uns contra os outros, fazendo lembrar uma corrida ao armamento. Os conjuntos de genes em coevolução podem estar em espécies diferentes, como na corrida ao armamento evolutiva entre um predador e a sua presa (Vermeij, 1987)»
    3. Vídeos 
      1. Yale Courses - Coevolution (48 min.)
  2.  Artigos de investigação académica:
      1. How Some Insects Detect and Avoid Being Eaten by Bats: Tactics and Countertactics of Prey and Predator: «the maximum sensitivity of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus occurs at about 5 kHz» ... «However, the ear is sensitive to sound frequencies up to 100 kHz at least.» ... «Crickets in stationary flight steer away from the source of ultrasound (negative phonotaxis), with the most effective frequencies lying between about 10 kHz and 80 kHz» ... «Some mole crickets hear ultrasound, in part with special neuronal pathways, and free-flying crickets show avoidance to batlike sounds (Mason et al. 1998).» ...«Many bush crickets can hear bats, but few seem to react to bat echolocation. However, the bush cricket, Neoconocephalus ensiger, shows an acoustic startle response during tethered flight in the laboratory (Faure and Hoy 2000). When the insects hear intense batlike sounds with frequencies from 15 kHz to at least 60 kHz (Figure 1b, right), they dive»
      2. Listening for bats: the hearing range of the bushcricket Phaneroptera falcata for bat echolocation calls measured in the field: «In crickets, the communication signals are normally limited to low frequencies (below 12-13kHz) and crickets react bimodally to sound stimulation» ... «In bushcrickets, however, the evolution of bat-evasive behaviour was shaped by other constraints imposed by the communication system: their communication signals extended well into, or are limited to the ultrasonic range» ... «the sensitivity of bushcrickets is in general higher than in crickets, giving bushcrickets the potential to evolve more sophisticated bat-evasive behaviours.»
      3. Structure, development, and evolution of insect auditory systems: «Based on location, structure, and innervation pattern, Yack and Fullard (1990) established the homology between the tympanal chordotonal organ in a noctuid moth and a similar organ in an atympanate saturniid moth.» ... «Meier and Reichert (1990) used neuron-specific antibodies to trace the embryonic development of the locust tympanal organ on the lateral wall of the first abdominal segment.» ... «The pleural chordotonal organs form at the same developmental time, by the same process, and at the homologous locations in the other pregenital abdominal segments. Cell migration and growth of the afferent nerve are largely identical for the two organ types, but the pleural chordotonal organs have only 10–15 sensory neurons.» ... «The fossil record (Carpenter, 1992) and comparative studies (Gwynne, 1995) suggest that the earliest—and still dominant—function of hearing in the Ensifera was intraspecific communication. After the appearance of echolocating bats 65–85 million years ago (Novacek, 1985), many lineages added bat evasion based on ultrasonic hearing (Libersat and Hoy, 1991; Mason et al., 1998; Nolen and Hoy, 1986)»
      4. Echolocation bats and hearing moths: who are the winners? : «Some foraging strategies currently by insectivorous bats are thought to have evolved through diffuse coevolution in response to the evolution of ears in insects.» ... «The interaction between bats and tympanate insects, particularly moths, has served as a textbook example of evolutionaty arms races between predators and prey.» 
      5. Evolution and function of auditory systems in insects: «Wherever studied, tympanal organs were shown to derive from chordotonal precursors, which were modified such that mechanosensitive scolopidia became attached to thin cuticular membranes backed by air-filled tracheal cavities (except in lacewings).»
  3. Mais exemplos:
    1. Coevolution
    2. Coevolution (insects)
    3. Coevolution in Galapagos
    4. Coevolution and Pollination
    5. Coevolution in Reptiles
    6. Vídeos:  
      1. Evolution of Camouflage (5 min.)
      2. Mimesis: Evolution of Camouflage-Structures (3 min)
      3. An experimental framework for brain/body coevolution  (55 seg.) 
      4. Evolution coevolution of the ant and fungi (5 min.)


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